Seeking Credit for CLE Programs in Virginia

MCLE rules require all CLE programs to be applied for and reviewed prior to approval. Virginia does not have reciprocity with any other state and accordingly an approval in other states does not guarantee approval in Virginia.

General Information:

  • Apply for courses online by registering an account with the Virginia State Bar. Once registered, please send an email to [email protected] to notify staff that you need to be assigned a Company Administrator for your organization. This will enable you to submit course applications online, pay invoices, and download certifications. Start the process.
  • Virginia is a 60-minute state. Minutes are totaled and divided by 60 to establish CLE hours.
    • E.g. An approved course that has three 60-minute segments, one of which is ethics, would be approved for 3.0 total hours out of which 1.0 hour would be ethics.
  • Programs do not have to be held in Virginia, focus on Virginia law, or be taught by an attorney.
  • It can take 60 to 90 days to process applications. Turnaround time may be slower depending on the volume of applications received and the time of year.
  • Once a program is approved, the sponsor of the program is responsible for providing the Virginia approved Certification of Attendance to all attendees or Certification of Teaching to any Virginia attorney who taught an approved session.
  • Virginia is a self-reporting state so Virginia attorneys are responsible for reporting their CLE hours online through the member portal on our website.
  • Courses are approved for one CLE period which runs November 1 – October 31.
    • Virginia attorneys must report all CLE hours earned in each CLE period by December 15. Review the MCLE Annual Compliance page for more information about attorney’s annual requirements.

Prior to applying:

Review the MCLE Regulations and MCLE Board Opinions. These rules provide the foundation for course approval in Virginia. Foremost, programs must:

  • Focus on a legal topic, be integral to the practice of law, and/or be focused on attorneys’ ethical and professional responsibilities.
  • Include instructional materials that meet MCLE Opinion 14’s requirements.
    • All instructional materials, including presentation slides, must be distributed to attendees before or at the program. Distribution means they were provided as printed copies and/or copies stored on electronic media. Electronic distribution could be allowing attendees access to them on a website or other area where electronic copies are available for downloading.
    • Resource documents such as statutes, pleadings, cases, motions, etc. are not considered instructional materials under MCLE Opinion 14. Video or audio recordings cannot be considered for CLE review purposes.
  • Be directed to an attorney audience.

    Sponsor Types and Applications

    Non-accredited Sponsors

    An organization, bar association, company, or other entity (that is not a law firm or an accredited sponsor) seeking CLE credit on behalf of Virginia attorneys. May also be an individual or small group of individuals who provide CLE programming to attorneys.

    Non-Accredited sponsors submit the Course Sponsor Application Form 4. Review the application for complete instructions, but please note the following:

    • A sample of the instructional materials from each segment is requested, but we encourage applicants to submit a complete set of the instructional materials, when possible, especially for ethics programs. You may request a Sharepoint link if your materials are too large to upload to the online application or mail.
    • Review all MCLE Regulations and Board Opinions prior to submitting your application. Pay particular attention to Regulation 103 and Opinion 14.

    Law Firm Sponsors

    Law firms seeking credit on behalf of in-house, client/potential client, or other non-firm attorneys.

    Programs sponsored by law firms submit the Law Firm Application Form 4. Review the application for complete instructions, but please note the following:

    • A complete set of the instructional materials are required for course review. Omitting materials may delay processing or result in course denial. You may request a Sharepoint link if your materials are too large to upload to the online application or mail.
    • Teaching credit is not approved for law firm courses directed to client or potential client audiences. Applicants must submit an accurate count of attendees for review by the Board.
    • All MCLE Regulations and Board Opinions should be reviewed prior to application submission, but information that may be particularly pertinent to law firm sponsors can be found in Regulation 103 and Opinion 14, Opinion 17, and Opinion 18.

    Individual Attorney Requests

    An attorney may submit the Attorney Application Form 4 to seek credit for attendance at a program for which the sponsor is not seeking credit in Virginia on behalf of attorneys. Attorneys who attend highly specialized programs related to their practice may also apply for CLE credit using this application. Attorneys can only apply after they have attended the program.

    • A sample of the instructional materials from each segment is requested, but applicants are encouraged to submit a complete set of materials, when possible, especially for ethics programs. You may request a Sharepoint link if your materials are too large to mail.
    • If applying for a highly specialized or non-legal topic, you must include a statement detailing how the topic relates to your practice. See number 9 on the application.
    • Approved attorney applications are valid for the applying attorney only. The approval does not extend to any other attorney who may have attended the same course.
    • Attorneys should always consult with the CLE provider before applying to ensure the sponsor will not seek credit on their behalf.
    • Review all MCLE Regulations and Board Opinions prior to submitting your application. Pay particular attention to Regulation 103 and Opinion 14.

    Accredited Sponsors

    These sponsors have been approved for this status because they have demonstrated a history of providing a significant volume of fully approved CLE courses. Sponsors must first submit an application that is reviewed by the MCLE Board to be approved as an Accredited Sponsor. See MCLE Regulation 105. Review the current list of Virginia’s Accredited Sponsors..

    Accredited Sponsors submit the Course Application Form 6 accompanied by a course agenda. The MCLE Board may request additional information, including course materials, if the application and agenda do not provide adequate information to approve a course. Accredited Sponsors must adhere to the same course approval standards outlined in the MCLE Regulations and Board Opinions.

    Unsure of your sponsor type or have questions? Contact our office at 804-775-0577 or [email protected].