August 16, 2023

Supreme Court of Virginia Amends Rule Pertaining to Discovery and Inspection 

Ordered on August 11, 2023, and effective October 10, 2023, the Supreme Court of Virginia has amended Rule 3A:11 regarding Discovery and Inspection. The new Order corrects the Court’s November 3, 2020, order and reinstates Rule 3A:11 as promulgated by its order of September 5, 2018. 

Ordered on August 11, 2023, and effective October 10, 2023, the Supreme Court of Virginia has amended Rule 3A:11 regarding Discovery and Inspection. The new Order corrects the Court’s November 3, 2020, order and reinstates Rule 3A:11 as promulgated by its order of September 5, 2018. 


Ordered on August 11, 2023, and effective October 10, 2023, the Supreme Court of Virginia has amended Rule 3A:11 regarding Discovery and Inspection. The new Order corrects the Court’s November 3, 2020, order and reinstates Rule 3A:11 as promulgated by its order of September 5, 2018. 

Ordered on August 11, 2023, and effective October 10, 2023, the Supreme Court of Virginia has amended Rule 3A:11 regarding Discovery and Inspection. The new Order corrects the Court’s November 3, 2020, order and reinstates Rule 3A:11 as promulgated by its order of September 5, 2018. 

Read the Court’s Order.